3 Jan 2017 economics+social class gender + sexuality hate crime homicide masculinity mass murder school + workplace shootings Social Media+Internet violence Dylann Roof: How to make a rampage murderer As the penalty-phase trial of young white supremacist Dylann Roof gets underway this week, reporters have asked me to explain the psychologi...
7 Jul 2014 risk assessment training opportunities violence Innovative international risk assessment service is expanding Try your hand at answering these questions: When evaluating Aboriginal offenders, how valid are standard risk assessment protocols? Among C...
10 Feb 2014 risk assessment training opportunities violence Risk researchers launching premium literature service The Alliance for International Risk Research (AIRR) is launching an excellent new risk assessment resource for mental health, correctional, ...
21 Okt 2013 gender + sexuality hate crime homicide juries trial system violence Documentary explores town's polarization over transgender murder Forensic psychologist key element in gay panic defense For 20 minutes, Brandon McInerney sat patiently behind Larry King in their junior hig...
8 Okt 2013 psychopathy risk assessment violence Study: Risk tools don't work with psychopaths If you want to know whether that psychopathic fellow sitting across the table from you will commit a violent crime within the next three yea...
7 Sep 2013 training opportunities violence Free, one-stop shopping: Bulletin showcases new violence articles The first monthly bulletin from the Alliance for International Risk Research just hit my email box, collating August's journal offering...
4 Sep 2013 bias forensic psychology risk assessment violence 'Authorship bias' plays role in research on risk assessment tools, study finds Reported predictive validity higher in studies by an instrument's designers than by independent researchers The use of actuarial risk as...
training opportunities violence Violence prevention: DC to host major collaborative venture From U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to legal scholar Barbara Bennett Woodhouse , the speakers at next month's APA-ABA collaborative c...
14 Jun 2013 risk assessment training opportunities violence International violence risk researchers launch free news service I don't know about you, but I find it incredibly hard to keep up with the burgeoning research in risk assessment. In this era of interna...
3 Apr 2013 child abuse domestic violence trauma treatment violence Study links childhood trauma and adult aggression Call for trauma-focused treatment of offenders Children who experience abuse, neglect and family dysfunction have a heightened risk of devel...
28 Jan 2013 ethics fear + moral panic risk assessment sex offenders violence Showdown looming over predictive accuracy of actuarials Large error rates thwart individual risk prediction Brett Jordan David Macdonald (Creative Commons license) If you are involved in risk as...
27 Des 2012 homicide profiling recidivism + desistance violence "The best predictor of future behavior is … … past behavior." Past as prelude. So neat, so clean. So full of certitude. Like a fortune cookie Confucianism. Something you might hea...