4 Sep 2015 bias forensic psychology psychopathy Adversarial allegiance: Frontier of forensic psychology research A colleague recently commented on how favorably impressed he was about the open-mindedness of two other forensic examiners, who had had the ...
5 Sep 2014 psychopathy More studies finding bias in PCL-R measurement of psychopathy I've been reporting for quite some time about problems with the reliability and validity of the Psychopathy Checklist (PCL-R), a popular...
6 Jan 2014 civil commitment diagnosis psychological testing psychopathy risk assessment New evidence of psychopathy test's poor accuracy in court Use of a controversial psychopathy test is skyrocketing in court, even as mounting evidence suggests that the prejudicial instrument is hi...
8 Okt 2013 psychopathy risk assessment violence Study: Risk tools don't work with psychopaths If you want to know whether that psychopathic fellow sitting across the table from you will commit a violent crime within the next three yea...
26 Agu 2013 death penalty expert witnesses eyewitness identification incarceration juveniles neuropsychology neuroscience psychopathy sex offenders Forensnips aplenty, forensnips galore Everybody knows that the war is over Everybody knows the good guys lost Everybody knows the fight was fixed The poor stay poor, the rich ...
6 Mar 2013 bias civil commitment ethics expert witnesses forensic psychology pseudoscience psychopathy risk assessment sex offenders Remarkable experiment proves pull of adversarial allegiance Psychologists' scoring of forensic tools depends on which side they believe has hired them A brilliant experiment has proven that adve...
12 Feb 2013 bias forensic psychology psychopathy social psychology Exercise: Priming students to detect covert biases In an eye-opening exercise in my graduate forensic psychology course, I had two groups separately analyze a sanitized forensic report. The s...
30 Mei 2012 psychological testing psychopathy risk assessment sex offenders SVP risk tools show 'disappointing' reliability in real-world use Rater agreement on three instruments commonly used to assess sex offenders' risk of recidivism is much lower in practice than reported ...