6 Jul 2016 Book Reviews child abuse false memories memory public policy sex offenders sexual abuse trauma unintended consequences The Trauma Myth, Revisited The Trauma Myth may be one of the most misunderstood books of the past decade. Based on its regrettable title, pedophiles erroneously belie...
9 Des 2013 forensic psychology trauma The psychic perils of forensic practice John Bradford burst into tears. Hitting the road for the four-hour trek back to his home in Ontario, Canada, he could not stop crying and sh...
3 Apr 2013 child abuse domestic violence trauma treatment violence Study links childhood trauma and adult aggression Call for trauma-focused treatment of offenders Children who experience abuse, neglect and family dysfunction have a heightened risk of devel...
3 Des 2012 diagnosis DSM sex offenders trauma unintended consequences APA rejects "hebephilia," last standing of three novel sexual disorders To hear government experts on the witness stand in civil detention trials in recent months, the novel diagnosis of "hebephilia" wa...