1 Feb 2016 bias confessions + interrogations economics+social class homicide unintended consequences wrongful conviction What’s Wrong With “Making A Murderer”? Making A Murderer is generating huge buzz on social media; dual petitions calling for Steven Avery’s exoneration have garnered more than 6...
4 Sep 2015 bias forensic psychology psychopathy Adversarial allegiance: Frontier of forensic psychology research A colleague recently commented on how favorably impressed he was about the open-mindedness of two other forensic examiners, who had had the ...
24 Jun 2014 bias California hate crime Karen Franklin movies Film to explore gay-bashing in friendly, liberal community Lawrence "Mikey" Partida's injuries It was a tragic end to his 32nd birthday celebration. As Lawrence “Mikey” Partida left his...
24 Feb 2014 bias child custody Child custody lore: The case of the runaway woozle The bond between infant and mother is the bedrock of healthy child development When parents divorce, shared custody arrangements destabili...
31 Jan 2014 bias DSM ethics psychological testing Research roundup The articles are flooding in at an alarming rate, threatening to bury me under yet another avalanche. Before I am completely submerged, let ...