21 Okt 2013 gender + sexuality hate crime homicide juries trial system violence Documentary explores town's polarization over transgender murder Forensic psychologist key element in gay panic defense For 20 minutes, Brandon McInerney sat patiently behind Larry King in their junior hig...
18 Apr 2013 bias criminal prosecution death penalty ethics expert witnesses juries media + culture science + technology trial system 'Digital lynch mob' assaults expert witness in televised murder trial Imagine you are testifying in a high-profile murder case being live-streamed over the Internet. Suddenly, an angry mob swarms all over you. ...
6 Feb 2013 civil commitment juries sex offenders trial system Texas SVP jurors ignoring actuarial risk scores Expert witness for defense makes a (small) difference , study finds The fiery debates surrounding the validity of actuarial tools to predic...
29 Nov 2012 confessions + interrogations expert witnesses juries trial system Jury Expert: Timely focus on false confessions "Why on earth would anyone, anywhere, ever confess to a serious crime they did not commit? Especially something like murder? Seriously?...
28 Okt 2012 civil commitment ethics expert witnesses fear + moral panic gender + sexuality juries movies sex offenders trial system Another one bites the dust: Hollow SVP prosecution no match for jurors' common sense 15 minutes. After a five-week trial, that's how long it took a jury in a rural Northern California county to decide that an openly gay m...