2 Jan 2016 economics+social class mental illness neuroscience psychosis race “Help! I am being held hostage in a reality show!” The Suspicion System: How the social world shapes delusions Not so long ago, any decent-sized psychiatric hospital had at least two or thre...
3 Nov 2013 criminal prosecution ethics neuroscience public policy risk assessment unintended consequences RadioLab explores criminal culpability and the brain Debate: Moral justice versus risk forecasting After Kevin had brain surgery for his epilepsy, he developed an uncontrollable urge to downloa...
26 Agu 2013 death penalty expert witnesses eyewitness identification incarceration juveniles neuropsychology neuroscience psychopathy sex offenders Forensnips aplenty, forensnips galore Everybody knows that the war is over Everybody knows the good guys lost Everybody knows the fight was fixed The poor stay poor, the rich ...
4 Jan 2013 crime + criminology neuropsychology neuroscience "America's Real Criminal Element: Lead" There are dozens of competing theories about the causes of crime. But only one fits perfectly with the data, claims a bold new investigative...