31 Jan 2014 bias DSM ethics psychological testing Research roundup The articles are flooding in at an alarming rate, threatening to bury me under yet another avalanche. Before I am completely submerged, let ...
13 Jan 2014 civil commitment guest essays psychological testing recidivism + desistance risk assessment sex offenders Putting the Cart Before the Horse: The Forensic Application of the SRA-FV As the developers of actuarial instruments such as the Static-99R acknowledge that their original norms inflated the risk of re-offense for ...
6 Jan 2014 civil commitment diagnosis psychological testing psychopathy risk assessment New evidence of psychopathy test's poor accuracy in court Use of a controversial psychopathy test is skyrocketing in court, even as mounting evidence suggests that the prejudicial instrument is hi...
27 Feb 2013 death penalty insanity defense intelligence psychological testing race Tipping points: Of life, death and psychological data Forensic psychologists and the machinery of execution Andre Thomas, Texas When Andre Thomas killed his wife and children, he was careful to...
19 Sep 2012 civil commitment psychological testing sex offenders Assessing “volitional control” in sex offenders When I review government reports in sexually violent predator cases, I find that most focus on two things: (1) the person's risk of futu...