30 Sep 2014 Karen Franklin Social Media+Internet training opportunities Upcoming forensic psychology trainings in Australia I will be traveling to Australia next month to give a series of trainings, seminars and keynote addresses at Bond University on the Gold Coa...
15 Agu 2014 Karen Franklin Announcing blogger sabbatical Dear Blog Subscribers and Readers, If you have detected a decline in blog frequency of late, it's not your imagination. After more than ...
24 Jun 2014 bias California hate crime Karen Franklin movies Film to explore gay-bashing in friendly, liberal community Lawrence "Mikey" Partida's injuries It was a tragic end to his 32nd birthday celebration. As Lawrence “Mikey” Partida left his...
22 Apr 2014 ethics Internet Karen Franklin Social Media+Internet training opportunities Invitation to social media and ethics workshop June 7 Training by Keely Kolmes and Karen Franklin Do you ever stop and think about your professional use of social media -- whether Facebook, Twit...
28 Jul 2013 international Karen Franklin training opportunities Dispatch from Queensland Bond University, Robina, Queensland The blog posts are piling up like jets on a crowded runway, but I haven't been able to carve out the...
26 Apr 2013 diagnosis Karen Franklin training opportunities Diagnostic controversies: Registration open for my Hawaii workshop A shameless plug for my upcoming training workshop in Honolulu, sponsored by the American Psychological Association. CE's in paradise; w...
8 Jan 2013 Book Reviews gender + sexuality Karen Franklin masculinity media + culture sex offenders sexual abuse Special offer on groundbreaking group rape text The Handbook on the Study of Multiple Perpetrator Rape: A multidisciplinary response to an international problem Photo credit: Sajjad Hussa...