6 Jul 2016 Book Reviews child abuse false memories memory public policy sex offenders sexual abuse trauma unintended consequences The Trauma Myth, Revisited The Trauma Myth may be one of the most misunderstood books of the past decade. Based on its regrettable title, pedophiles erroneously belie...
23 Sep 2013 sex offenders sexual abuse treatment Efficacy of sex offender treatment still up in the air Sex offender group treatment, Larned State Hospital, Kansas "Did he complete treatment?" That is a front-burner question for judge...
28 Agu 2013 competency sex offenders sexual abuse 8-year prison term in long-running Ayres saga The up-and-down case of a child psychiatrist who sexually molested boys sent to him by the courts for counseling has finally concluded -- at...
26 Mei 2013 diagnosis DSM military sex offenders sexual abuse Military sexual assault scandal unearths "illegal" psychiatric diagnoses If you haven't been following the sexual assault scandals in the U.S. military, tune in: It’s yet another arena where bogus psychiatric ...
8 Jan 2013 Book Reviews gender + sexuality Karen Franklin masculinity media + culture sex offenders sexual abuse Special offer on groundbreaking group rape text The Handbook on the Study of Multiple Perpetrator Rape: A multidisciplinary response to an international problem Photo credit: Sajjad Hussa...
4 Jul 2012 confessions + interrogations sex offenders sexual abuse wrongful conviction Groundbreaking research: One out of every 10 rape convictions wrong? As a young man, Michael Jones pleaded guilty to back-to-back attempted molestations of two girl strangers. However, he adamantly maintained ...