2 Jan 2016 economics+social class mental illness neuroscience psychosis race “Help! I am being held hostage in a reality show!” The Suspicion System: How the social world shapes delusions Not so long ago, any decent-sized psychiatric hospital had at least two or thre...
26 Okt 2015 Book Reviews DSM fear + moral panic gender + sexuality media + culture mental illness pornography Sex addiction: Science or pop fad? Thirty-one years ago, when Patrick Carnes walked onto the Phil Donahue television show to promote his new book on sexual compulsivity as a...
19 Des 2012 crime + criminology mass murder mental illness public policy school + workplace shootings treatment Newtown, CT: Latest massacre brings more hand-wringing Our nation's collective inertia surrounding mass killings is perhaps best illustrated in a YouTube clip splicing together speeches by P...
16 Okt 2012 incarceration mental illness sentencing torture Amnesty issues scathing report on prolonged solitary confinement Critique follows lawsuit alleging psychological torture at infamous Pelican Bay Tucked away in a remote corner of Northern California is o...