Title : LOTTO JACKPOT/ DEAD PERSON (R.B.) DREAM (Posted on 2/02/17) READ RESULT/ FRI. 2/17/17
2/17/17 (Fri. Eve.) Fla. Lotto Pick 3 Jackpot Combo (519)http://www.flalottery.com/site/winningNumberSearch?searchTypeIn=number&gameNameIn=PICK3&singleDateIn=&fromDateIn=&toDateIn=&n1In=5&n2In=1&n3In=9&submitForm=Submit
R.B. Dream Posted on 2/2/17
On his 12/01/15 Birthday the (3) digits (159) hit on the Fla. lotto Pick 3 Jackpot Eve. Game
R.B. Bday/Lotto Info from Original Dream Below:
2/02/17 2:35 PM CDT.
R. B. Deceased Personal Trainer Born 12/01/1971 Passed 6/11/2012
(1201)(1971)(2012)(611)(121) could manifest in any combo (within the next 30 days on the Fla. Lotto) as a Pick 4 or Pick 3 Jackpot. Also watch prior Fla. Lotto Pick 3 and Pick 4 Jackpots from 12/01/15 & 12/01/16. Also watch what hit on 6/11/2012. This was the date he passed on.
99.9 % of the time when the DW brings up the Dead it is Fla. Lotto connected.
Special Note: R.B. has become known as the Grim Reaper in my Dream Experience
So outside of R.B. showing up for Fla. Lotto purposes it is very possible I could hear news of someone we both knew or that I know passing away suddenly. More than likely someone connected to my past Gym owner days or who R.B. trained, but not limited to this.
Special Note: The last 3 Dreams of R.B. have resulted in news of (3) former Gym Members passing on within short time frames of those Dreams.
Suggestion: Search past posts of (R.B.) and read those astonishing results.
Keep Following and Sharing (The Dreamcognition Experiment)
New posts made daily...Always check back for Results
No guarantee any post will manifest with this Experiment
That's all information about LOTTO JACKPOT/ DEAD PERSON (R.B.) DREAM (Posted on 2/02/17) READ RESULT/ FRI. 2/17/17
And i hope the information about LOTTO JACKPOT/ DEAD PERSON (R.B.) DREAM (Posted on 2/02/17) READ RESULT/ FRI. 2/17/17 can be usefull for you guys. Alright, this is article may so useful for you guys. Thank You.
You are reading the article about LOTTO JACKPOT/ DEAD PERSON (R.B.) DREAM (Posted on 2/02/17) READ RESULT/ FRI. 2/17/17 and the permalink of the article is https://ai-freeurmind.blogspot.com/2017/02/lotto-jackpot-dead-person-rb-dream.html I hope this article can be helpful and useful.
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