Note: Updated version of Sunday's post on "narcoanalysis"

Note: Updated version of Sunday's post on "narcoanalysis" - Hallo guys! Free Your Mind, This time, i write about Note: Updated version of Sunday's post on "narcoanalysis" , from any sources that i think you can be used for your information. I hope everything in this posting can be very useful for you. Ok, here it is! .

Title : Note: Updated version of Sunday's post on "narcoanalysis"

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Note: Updated version of Sunday's post on "narcoanalysis"

For those of you following the case of Aurora Colorado mass murder suspect James Holmes and the judge's order that he be subjected to a "narcoanalytic interview" if he pleads insanity, I have updated the Psychology Today version of the post. The updated version explains where Judge Sylvester got the idea for this order, and discusses the fascinating landmark case of Ramona v. Ramona, in which a father successfully sued his daughter's therapists for implanting false memories of child sexual abuse during a sodium amytal interview; I've also referenced a curious side note in the Michael Jackson case involving sodium amytal.  Thanks to psychologist Evan Harrington of the Chicago School of Professional Psychology for alerting me to the Ramona opinion, which features an interesting discussion of relevant case law.

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