Title : The Struggle by L.J. Smith (The Vampire Diaries, #2) - Book Review
The Struggle by L.J. Smith (The Vampire Diaries, #2) - Book Review
Article Book Reviews,4/5 Stars
Love bites.
Can there be any winners...?
Edition: Paperback
Pages: 210
Chapters: 16
Publisher: Hodder
Book Links: Goodreads
Everyone has guilty pleasures. Those things that you experience and know are so ludicrous that they should be bad but really you're completely captivated by them. Well, The Vampire Diaries (book series) is one of mine.
I was sceptical with the first entry, even though it did manage to enamour me. With this instalment, I just thought screw it, I'm throwing myself in. The Struggle, on the one hand, is cheesy, delirious, and often ridiculous; but on the other, it's addictive, flirty, and has the kind of supernatural romance that digs under the skin.
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