Bullseye by James Patterson (Michael Bennett, #9) - Book Review

Bullseye by James Patterson (Michael Bennett, #9) - Book Review - Hallo guys! Free Your Mind, This time, i write about Bullseye by James Patterson (Michael Bennett, #9) - Book Review, from any sources that i think you can be used for your information. I hope everything in this posting can be very useful for you. Ok, here it is! .

Title : Bullseye by James Patterson (Michael Bennett, #9) - Book Review

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Bullseye by James Patterson (Michael Bennett, #9) - Book Review

Article Book Reviews,
4/5 Stars

Target in sight.

Finger on the trigger...

Edition: Hardcover
Pages: 339
Chapters: 101 (Plus a prologue with five parts.)
Publisher: Century

Book Links: Goodreads
                      Author's Website


I've been off my game for the past few weeks. I, unfortunately (and who could blame me?), fell into a Netflix binge... You know, again... So my reading took a slump, which always depresses me and has me cursing procrastination with as many unsavoury words as humanly possible.

But I'm back, and hopefully I can keep up a regular pattern of reading and reviewing. Time will tell.

Picking up a book by authors I know I can rely on for an easy ride (not as salacious as it sounds), James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge blast Bullseye off with a brilliantly explosive beginning. From there, the ninth entry of the Michael Bennett series increases the speed and ferocity, setting up a vast political thriller that delights in epic set pieces and gunfights. 

The character roster also faces a new addition to the Bennett clan, one that unsurprisingly brings some chaos and fulfils Patterson's usual style of blending the professional with the personal.
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That's all information about Bullseye by James Patterson (Michael Bennett, #9) - Book Review

And i hope the information about Bullseye by James Patterson (Michael Bennett, #9) - Book Review can be usefull for you guys. Alright, this is article may so useful for you guys. Thank You.

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