Title : Worst Case by James Patterson (Michael Bennett, #3) - Book Review
Worst Case by James Patterson (Michael Bennett, #3) - Book Review
Article Book Reviews,5/5 Stars
Best Case: Survival.
Worst Case: Death.
This Case: Michael Bennett is on it.
Edition: Hardcover
Pages: 356
Chapters: 102 (Plus a prologue with two parts.)
Publisher: Century
Book Links: Goodreads
James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge have teamed up for another smashing entry in the Michael Bennett series! Worst Case follows in its predecessor's footsteps; it's a straight-forward thriller that rattles along at a breakneck speed. The standards for this series remain at a constant high level, and what you see is what you get.
There's a serial killer, white-knuckle action, and a personal tone to Worst Case that begs the question: Why haven't you read it already?
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