17 Jan 2017 compression hosiery compression socks ITEM m6 UK Tights Reviewed: ITEM m6 men's fine ribbed socks UK Tights are now stocking a range of hosiery from the German ITEM m6 brand. UK Tights sent us a pair of the ITEM m6 men's fine ribbed...
7 Jan 2017 Couture Ultimates ladder proof tights Legwear International opaque tights seamless tights UK Tights Guest review: Couture Ultimates 100 Denier 'The Sarah' Seamless and Ladder Proof Opaque Tights We recently published a guest review of the Kunert Warm Up Cotton Opaque Tights by Lei, a Hosiery For Men reader from the USA. Lei has now ...
27 Des 2016 cotton tights Kunert opaque tights tights for men UK Tights warm tights winter tights Guest review: Kunert Warm Up Cotton Opaque Tights We are always happy to publish detailed guest reviews at Hosiery For Men. We have previously published guest reviews by one of our readers, ...
4 Des 2016 Couture Ultimates ladder-proof hosiery Legwear International opaque tights seamless tights tights for men UK Tights 20% off Couture Ultimates Tights at UK Tights We have featured the new and innovative Couture Ultimates seamless and ladder-proof tights extensively at Hosiery For Men. So far we have p...
3 Des 2016 Couture Ultimates ladder proof tights Legwear International opaque tights seamless tights UK Tights Reviewed: Couture Ultimates 'Sarah' 100 Denier Seamless and Ladder Proof Opaque Tights Couture Ultimates launched their new and innovative seamless and ladder-proof tights this autumn. All the tights in the Couture Ultimates ...