Title : Tragedy! BSU student dies few weeks after her graduation (photos)
Tragedy! BSU student dies few weeks after her graduation (photos)
Article GOSSIP, Tragedy! BSU student dies few weeks after her graduation (photos)Another student of Benue State University, Angela Ochai, has passed away on Thursday, March 2, few weeks after her graduation.
Nigerian university student dies few weeks after graduating from BSU
This tragedy occurred after another student, Damian Mimidoo, from the same school died barely a week after her own graduation.
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The deceased went out with hers friends on the day she died but after she came back home she started stooling and vomiting.
BSU dies few weeks after graduating
Ochai was a former contestant of the famous beauty pageant, Idoma Beauty Contest. The lady studied English Language before she graduated.
Rest in peace!
That's all information about Tragedy! BSU student dies few weeks after her graduation (photos)
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