THREE PEOPLE FROM MY PAST (WES C.), (JOHANNA K.) AND (ED E.) DREAM/ SAT. 3/04/17 - Hallo guys! Free Your Mind, This time, i write about THREE PEOPLE FROM MY PAST (WES C.), (JOHANNA K.) AND (ED E.) DREAM/ SAT. 3/04/17, from any sources that i think you can be used for your information. I hope everything in this posting can be very useful for you. Ok, here it is! .


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DC = Dream Character  DW = Dreamweaver LR = Lotto Rules
 Note: Keep in mind, 99% of the time when the Dreamweaver shows images of people who have passed on(Celebs and People I know etc) the future result will more than likely be Fla. Lotto connected. Always possible that news of some nature could also evolve.

Lotto Rules: Read Carefully as it pertains to dreams: Note: The last (2) Birthdays of Celebs and or people I know could be connected to near future Florida Lotto Pick 3 and Pick 4 win combos that could hit within the next 30 days in any combination of the digits. (Example: Person's last two bday's of 1/01/2013 and 1/01/14)

The actual Bday and Birth year should be inclusive plus what hit on their last bday according to the Florida Lotto
 Archives.(You can look up their Birth years if needed) In addition: Keep in mind past addresses and phone numbers(personal and business) might also be inclusive. 

NEW: In addition the first or last name or both, of a person I know or celeb(within a dream) could be leading to news involving some one with that very same first or last name and have nothing to do with the actual person the DW conjured up.

The Lotto Echo Effect:

Also keep in mind that Pick 3 and Pick 4 Jackpots that hit a year ago: Example  (Oct. 6, 2013)...Could hit again within the same month of the new year in the same way or in a different Combo. Happens many times.

Note: It is always possible (in some cases) that the Birthdays connect to the last 3 years instead of the standard 2 years.

3/04/17  12 PM CDT.

Friend from my Past    (Wes) born  3/09
Special Note: We are in the month of March. So the DW will start showing me Celebs and people I know born in this month for near future Fla. Lotto Jackpot Combos I call Echo Jackpots.

For Fla. Lotto Purposes watch any combo of (309) to possibly hit as a Pick 3 Jackpot within 30 days. Include Pick 3 and Pick 4 prior Jackpots from 3/09/15 and 3/09/16 that could hit in any combo within the next 30 days. Year of birth (1961) could also hit in any combo over the next 30 days.

No contact with Wes in many years. He was a good friend. He married and moved to Michigan some time back and we have not stayed in touch.

I have posted a number of Dreams about him. All of those have been Fla. Lotto connected. Usually a prior Pick 3 or Pick 4 Jackpot combo connected to his birth info hits within a short time frame. 

His Wife does have or did have family in the area. It is possible they could visit and we have a chance encounter. Or I could hear news about him from someone.

Special Note: Wes has a connection to the name (Campbell). A few days after the Dream of him on 1/27/17 there were two major news stories that manifested out of Fort Campbell Kentucky Army Base within days. 

You can fact check this by looking back at those news incident results. Search: Fort Campbell Ky.

It is possible that people I know or Celebs etc being conjured up by the Dreamweaver might be shown for locations as well as potential future Lotto and or news results.

I have been keeping track of this for some time now and have interesting data. 

So it's possible that the DW has conjured up Wes again as a heads up that we could get another major news story to manifest from Fort Campbell Kentucky in the near future. Or possibly some other location or that carries the name Campbell. (Example: Campbell's Soup/ Products etc.) 

Wes lives (or did live) in Michigan. Which could also be the epicenter of some major news story to evolve in the near future. 

It will be interesting to see what may manifest this time.

Johanna   Born 5/18

For Fla. Lotto Purposes watch any combo of (518) to possibly hit as a Pick 3 Jackpot (within 30 days). Include Pick 3 and Pick 4 prior Jackpots from 5/18/15 & 5/18/16 that could hit in any combo within the next 30 days. Year of birth (1964) is Fla. Lotto Eligible.(Any Combo) 

Have posted a number of dreams about Johanna in the past. She was a good friend (more like a little Sister). She married and moved from the area a number of years ago and I lost touch with her. 

99% of the time when the DW conjures up Johanna it has been Fla. Lotto related. This may be the case again.

Always possible I could hear some news about her in the near future. Would be rare to actually hear from her anytime soon. I could be out and we have a chance encounter if she is visiting the area.

She lives or did live in Prattville Alabama. Always possible a significant news event could evolve from this area of Alabama in the near future. 

Ed E.   Born 1/27

For Fla. Lotto Purposes watch any combo of (127) to possibly hit as a Pick 3 Jackpot (within 30 days). Include Pick 3 and Pick 4 prior Jackpots from 1/27/16 & 1/27/17 that could hit in any combo within the next 30 days. Year of birth (1955) is Fla. Lotto Eligible.(Any Combo) 

Met Ed when I was stationed at Fort Polk US Army Base Louisiana. He is from San Antonio Texas.

The last time I saw Ed was in 1999 when I was on a business trip in his area.

Have had no contact with him since that time.

I could hear some news about or connected to him in the near future. I could hear from him out of the blue. 

Ed and I were with the 3rd and 77th Armor outfit. May have to watch some combo of (377) that could manifest as a near future Pick 3 Jackpot combo within 30 days. This has happened after past dreams of Ed.

It is also possible a major news story could evolve from the San Antonio Texas area within the next few months or within 2017. 

Dream: Brief POV

I don't recall any interaction with Wes ,Johanna or Ed . I was shown images of these individuals I would recognize by the Dreamweaver which got my attention on them.

More than likely they were shown for Florida Lotto purposes. 

We will see what transpires from this. 

Keep Following and Sharing (The Dreamcognition Experiment)

New posts made daily...Always check back for Results

No guarantee any post will manifest with this Experiment

That's all information about THREE PEOPLE FROM MY PAST (WES C.), (JOHANNA K.) AND (ED E.) DREAM/ SAT. 3/04/17

And i hope the information about THREE PEOPLE FROM MY PAST (WES C.), (JOHANNA K.) AND (ED E.) DREAM/ SAT. 3/04/17 can be usefull for you guys. Alright, this is article may so useful for you guys. Thank You.

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