Title : LOTTO JACKPOT/ BOB U. DREAM (Posted (15) days ago on 1/29/17) READ RESULT/ SUN. 2/12/17
LOTTO JACKPOT/ BOB U. DREAM (Posted (15) days ago on 1/29/17) READ RESULT/ SUN. 2/12/17
2/12/17 (Sun. Mid.) Fla. Lotto Pick 3 Jackpot Combo (481)http://www.flalottery.com/pick3
Bob U. Dream posted on 1/29/17 (15) days ago
Bob's Birthday is (8/14 or 814)
You might want to look back and read the long version.
Bob U. Birthday/Lotto Dream Fragment Info Below:
1/29/17 2:45 PM CDT.
Bob U. Born 8/14
For Fla. Lotto Purposes watch any combo of (814) to possibly hit as a Pick 3 Jackpot within 30 days. Include Pick 3 and Pick 4 prior Jackpots from 8/14/15 & 8/14/16 that could hit in any combo within the next 30 days. Year of birth (1940) is Fla. Lotto eligible and could hit in any combo.
Bob and his Wife Karen trained in my gym for a number of years. A very nice couple. They owned and operated a Motel in my area. Then they sold it and moved from the area. I have not had contact with them in many years.
Can't recall posting a dream about Bob U.
It is possible I could hear news about or connected to Bob in the near future. Would be rare to actually hear from him.
Keep Following and Sharing (The Dreamcognition Experiment)
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No guarantee any post will manifest with this Experiment
That's all information about LOTTO JACKPOT/ BOB U. DREAM (Posted (15) days ago on 1/29/17) READ RESULT/ SUN. 2/12/17
And i hope the information about LOTTO JACKPOT/ BOB U. DREAM (Posted (15) days ago on 1/29/17) READ RESULT/ SUN. 2/12/17 can be usefull for you guys. Alright, this is article may so useful for you guys. Thank You.
You are reading the article about LOTTO JACKPOT/ BOB U. DREAM (Posted (15) days ago on 1/29/17) READ RESULT/ SUN. 2/12/17 and the permalink of the article is https://ai-freeurmind.blogspot.com/2017/02/lotto-jackpot-bob-u-dream-posted-15.html I hope this article can be helpful and useful.
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