An Other Place by Darren Dash - Book Review

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Title : An Other Place by Darren Dash - Book Review

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An Other Place by Darren Dash - Book Review

Article Book Reviews,
4/5 Stars

There is An Other Place...

where time and space are fluid...

where the moon changes colour and savage beasts run wild...

where love is a perilous proposition and the dead are swiftly forgotten...

where sandmen offer sanctuary and the Alchemist rules over all.

Edition: Kindle
Pages: 227
Chapters: 21
Publisher: House Of The Damned

Book Links: Goodreads
                      Author's Website


Welcome to An Other Place, an eerie environment that examines existence in excruciating detail. You'll form questions that no one can answer; make connections that never last; live a life never to be remembered; and don't forget the deadly changes of the moon, when nightmares become a reality only a sandman can save...

(Please be warned that as a resident of An Other Place, all these disclaimers of our culture will swiftly slink away from your memory, despite how important they are. Enjoy your stay!)

So I was gifted an early copy of this novel by author Darren Dash (also known as Darren Shan, but tell no one). I did plan on having a review done and dusted and declaring my undying love for any mind-tantalising work that births itself from this author's brain, but life rarely seems to give you a break, especially on the run up to Christmas.

But, alas, here I am. With An Other Place's release (pick it up on Amazon, folks, link up top), I knew I just had to make the time, and make the time I did. This entry to Shan's adult collection carries the same flavour many of his other novels do: A dark world with dark characters, dark actions, dark questions and even darker answers that really don't answer anything. Intrigue and mystery abound, and the world's similar yet vastly different nature to our own will definitely unnerve the hell out of you.
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