Title : The Reunion by L.J. Smith (The Vampire Diaries, #4) - Book Review
The Reunion by L.J. Smith (The Vampire Diaries, #4) - Book Review
Article Book Reviews,4.5/5 Stars
The Reunion...
Who will be the casualty...?
Edition: Paperback
Pages: 246
Chapters: 16
Publisher: Hodder
Book Links: Goodreads
Quick Note: I couldn't find a picture of the book with The Reunion as the title, but not to worry, Dark Reunion is the same novel. The Reunion is just the UK edition's name.
Have I mentioned that this series is a guilty pleasure of mine? Well, after reading this entry, why don't we just drop the guilty part, huh? (Not that I ever really felt guilty.)
The Reunion isn't perfect, but despite its cheesiness, its ludicrous sequence of events, and its stretches in believability, I can't help but be utterly infatuated. And no instalment has ever taken me over so completely as this one. Well, of the ones I've read, anyway. This entry exudes all the qualities I love about the show: Strong, distinctive characters; a supernatural plot that revels in unpredictability; and a concentrated flow that has no time for pit stops.
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