Title : The Power of Six by Pittacus Lore (Lorien Legacies, #2) - Book Review
The Power of Six by Pittacus Lore (Lorien Legacies, #2) - Book Review
Article Book Reviews,5/5 Stars
Edition: Paperback
Pages: 380
Chapters: 33
Publisher: Penguin Books
Book Links: Goodreads
Author's Website (I think, at least in relation to the series.)
The Power of Six is a stunning sequel. It ramps up the battle between alien races with spectacular focus and undeniable fun. I am in awe. I Am Number Four, the first in this sci-fi series, is awesome, but this entry blows it out of the water.
With multiple stories running concurrently, a captivating cast that doesn't hold back on variety, and scenes of an explicit and epic nature, The Power of Six takes the reader on a journey they won't forget. The way the author draws you in and emotionally invests you in what's happening is fantastic. Parts of the novel have you fist-pumping the air while others have you trying to read from tear-blurred eyes.
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