Title : Private Down Under by James Patterson (Private, #6) - Book Review
Private Down Under by James Patterson (Private, #6) - Book Review
Article Book Reviews,4/5 Stars
Kidnap, Murder, Blackmail.
Private Sydney is open for business...
Edition: Hardcover
Pages: 338
Chapters: 142 (Plus a prologue.)
Publisher: Century
Book Links: Goodreads
Private Down Under is likely to polarise readers depending on what you're looking for. In the mood for a fast, flippant thriller? Then this'll be your jam. Looking for a deep, emotionally ravaging novel with intense themes and critical acclaim? Yeah, well, you should probably give this one a pass.
I feel that that's the case for most Patterson novels: They're almost lighthearted in a way. I don't mean that to detract from them (hey, I love me a James Patterson book), and while there are a few exceptions, I've seen a lot of people get pretty prissy that novels like this don't give them what it doesn't offer.
Private Down Under follows the author's trend of straight-forward, adrenaline-infused fun. It's going to stretch your skeptisism to breaking point, but there's no denying its macabre enjoyability. It revels in brutality, but moves so swiftly that the shock is somewhat blunted. This, in my opinion, and in this case, isn't bad. It leaves room for the reader's intrigue to grow, and while not a heartbreaker, the novel offers a thrilling experience that can tug at your emotions.
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