Title : Private Berlin by James Patterson (Private, #5) - Book Review
Private Berlin by James Patterson (Private, #5) - Book Review
Article Book Reviews,4.5/5 Stars
Burying the past is the one unforgivable crime...
Edition: Hardcover
Pages: 429
Chapters: 134 (Plus a prologue with five parts.)
Publisher: Century
Book Links: Goodreads
After Private No. 1 Suspect, this entry's predecessor, I was a little dejected with the series. At that point, the amount of Patterson novels I'd devoured were blurring in my mind, and any new book was becoming more and more generic.
This is more like it! I've learned a lesson: Never give up on Patterson and his co-authors.
Private Berlin is everything I want. Patterson and Mark Sullivan drive a compelling new cast through a gripping mystery that, while not too far from their usual style, strikes the right balance between emotive and suspenseful. Using historical events and aspects from those events (the Cold War, the Berlin Wall, the Stasi, etc.), they weave a haunting tale rooted in the very real past.
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