Title : Desolation by Derek Landy (Demon Road, #2) - Book Review
Desolation by Derek Landy (Demon Road, #2) - Book Review
Article Book Reviews,4.5/5 Stars
It's a hell of a place...
Edition: Hardcover
Pages: 460
Chapters: 59
Publisher: HarperCollins
Book Links: Goodreads
It's always a worrying experience when you adore the first entry to a trilogy and then pick up the instalment that succeeds it. Will it be as good? Or will it be a typical novel that bridges one brilliant beginning to its finale?
Well, let me tell you, Derek Landy's middle entry to his trilogy is a phenomenal ride. Desolation, of course, has the aura of an overall story that isn't yet complete, but it also packs one powerful punch as it stoutly stands on its own.
Mixing supernatural horror, mystery, and effortless wit, Landy cultivates a fresh adventure in a world full of shadowy crevices yet to be explored.
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