Title : Demon Road by Derek Landy (Demon Road, #1) - Book Review
Demon Road by Derek Landy (Demon Road, #1) - Book Review
Article Book Reviews,4.5/5 Stars
She's having a hell of a time...
Edition: Paperback
Pages: 508
Chapters: 60
Publisher: HarperCollins
Book Links: Goodreads
Get on your adventure boots, people, and get ready for a cross-country ride through the evil underbelly of America's supernatural world, because, in my humble opinion, Demon Road just happens to bring its A-game and then some.
We're treated to a smorgasbord of horror, comedy and action in a phenomenal blend with a phenomenal balance. Ever seen the TV show Supernatural? (If not, what the hell? Where have you been for the last decade?) Well, Landy channels that kind of aura while wrapping it up in his own remarkably sharp wit.
One of the best beginning entries to a young adult trilogy I've read in a while.
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