Title : Half Wild by Sally Green (Half Bad, #2) - Book Review
Half Wild by Sally Green (Half Bad, #2) - Book Review
Article Book Reviews,5/5 Stars
White Witches hunt him.
Black Witches hate him.
Nathan Byrn is on the run...
Edition: Paperback
Pages: 400
Chapters: 62
Publisher: Penguin Books
Book Links: Goodreads
That cliffhanger is sick! (And I mean that in the best way possible because it is awesome.)
Half Wild completely blows my expectations out of the water. Ms Green keeps her action-packed and fast-paced storytelling alive and well, but this entry feels way more emotional and has a surprisingly high gore level (which, of course, I love). This series is shaping up to be a fiery, slick and magical conspiracy thriller. And all the components work.
There are a few cons of course, like leaps in logic that the plot hasn't earned and iffy writing in places, but overall Half Wild continues the addictive trend of mystical drama in a way that has me begging for the final book Half Lost.
Which I have and will be reading as soon as I get myself some sleep.
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