Title : Daylighters by Rachel Caine (Morganville Vampires, #15) - Book Review
Daylighters by Rachel Caine (Morganville Vampires, #15) - Book Review
Article Book Reviews,4.5/5 Stars
Something drastic has happened in Morganville while Claire Danvers and her friends were away...
Edition: Paperback
Pages: 494
Chapters: 14 (Plus an introduction and epilogue. For UK readers, there is also a short story at the end.)
Publisher: Allison & Busby
Publisher: Allison & Busby
Book Links: Goodreads
It's been one hell of a ride, with obstacles to overcome, and tales that do nothing short of tantalise.
Yep, Daylighters, entry fifteen in The Morganville Vampires series, is the end...
And author Rachel Caine doesn't disappoint stout fans. We're treated to an action-packed story that's filled to the brim with everything we love: The supernatural, the scientific, the tumultuous and tenuous threads that link the living to the dead; we are given it all. As we journey this final time, the themes of family and love are stronger than ever.
Daylighters, despite its dark edge, is sweet and utterly satisfying as it ties up the plots and characters we all adore.
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