Title : Gone by James Patterson (Michael Bennett, #6) - Book Review
Gone by James Patterson (Michael Bennett, #6) - Book Review
Article Book Reviews,5/5 Stars
A brutal drug lord threatens all-out war...
Edition: Hardback
Pages: 386
Chapters: 104 (Plus a prologue with four parts.)
Publisher: Century
Book Links: Goodreads
Gone is, essentially, I, Michael Bennett (the previous instalment) Part Two, as it rounds out and completes the story of drug kingpin Manuel Perrine. It also holds on tight to the fantastic quality and pulse-pounding experience set by its predecessor. Action-packed and lightning-quick, this entry to the series is a must for any adrenaline-addicted bibliophile. The strong cast embodies the plot, and as the authors weave together the various tales of tension, unwittingly throughout, all you can think is, give me the next book immediately!
The Michael Bennett series doesn't appear to be slowing down anytime soon, and if you've loved the books thus far, then Gone reaffirms the authors' continuing abilities.
If you've been less than enamored, then maybe check out some of the authors' other works. For more James Patterson reviews from me, jump over to the Index.
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