Title : City of the Snakes by Darren Shan (City Trilogy, #3) - Book Review
City of the Snakes by Darren Shan (City Trilogy, #3) - Book Review
Article Book Reviews,4.5/5 Stars
Al will learn more about the City than he ever imagined, and be offered more power than he ever desired.
But in the City, everything comes at a cost...
Ready to enter the fantastical, war-filled City for the final time?
You should be, because it's one helluva conclusion.
Darren Shan manipulates the various genres (the series is a mishmash; it's a thriller, a fantasy, it verges on horror, and it's a step away from the paranormal) with as much ease as he did in this book's two predecessors. It's time for answers, time for every piece of the puzzle to slot together and reveal the big picture.
And it's a big picture many of the cast won't like...
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