Title : The Executioner by Chris Carter (Robert Hunter, #2) - Book Review
The Executioner by Chris Carter (Robert Hunter, #2) - Book Review
Article Book Reviews,5/5 Stars
Imagine your worst fear
- then meet your worst nightmare.
He'll scare you to death...
Have you ever read the blurb of a book and thought, this is exactly what I've been waiting for?
Well, that thought hit me as soon as I picked up Chris Carter's The Executioner. This entry in the Robert Hunter series is a dark, gritty and violent journey, centred on the chase for a serial killer who kills his victims with their own worst fears. It might sound like a simple, yet hooking, synopsis for a thriller, but it awakened something in my mind that screamed at me to devour it.
And Mr Carter strikes the spot with a confident and clever blow.
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