First Week In LONDON

First Week In LONDON - Hallo guys! Free Your Mind, This time, i write about First Week In LONDON , from any sources that i think you can be used for your information. I hope everything in this posting can be very useful for you. Ok, here it is! .

Title : First Week In LONDON

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First Week In LONDON

Soooo ... I asked you, guys, if you would like to know my impressions and things from my life in London. Most of you were positive, so I decided to try it out. 
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As you know, if you read my latest posts, I am in the UK, in London. Yeah, a dream coming true, right? I feel like that, too, but I am kinda scared of what it will be like in September when I will start at my uni. Hopefully, everything will go great. I have been writing that I have applied to Queens Mary, which is the only university in London that has its own campus right in the middle of the city. Amazing, right? I don't have to travel across the town to get to my lectures. I am pretty excited. So, these weekend, I got an e-mail from UCAS that sth (something) has changed in my profile. I logged in to see what it wa and I found out that I had been unconditionally accepted to the uni and that they are holding me a place. I started to scream from excitement so probably the whole street was wondering what is going on. But I didn't care. I was really happy and immediately I called my parents to share that great news with them. So now I am officially studying at British university in London. How cool? 
Apart from my uni, some of you may be wondering how I got here and why I am in London so here is my confession. As I applied to universities in January, I knew I will be going to London much sooner to secure a job during semester and to save some money in advance. Unfortunately, after my Maturita exams I have been really 'busy' and I've been a bit postponing it. At first I wanted to go right after my exams but then I decided to wait till Dobry festival, which is a small festival in Presov where I live (this year there was a megastar there, Steven Seagal :D yeah ... and tickets were raised by 20 euros. Fortunately, I had my ticket for free - lots of contacts ;) ), and to make a real 'goodbye party' there. However, later I found out that a week after there was this event called Den hviezd and I am sure that those who love hockey had heard about it. I was really surprised that this event took place in Harichovce near Spisska Nova Ves, which is really close to Presov, so obviously, I had to go there and see my darlings. So the day of my departure was set on the beginning of July and I could finally book some accommodation. Like it was so easy. I have found this one company call EasyLondon, it is Czecho-Slovak company, that was offering shared houses in London. However, the deal was that until 21st July they have no room for me. I was devastated as my parents were leaving on 7th July and until they come back, I couldn't go. Fortunately, I found another Czecho-Slovak company offering accommodation in London and they had a place for me from 5th July. I agreed and sent them any detail they needed. I booked a flight from Kosice as it is now the cheapest way to London via Hungarian Airlines WizzAir. Now that everything was set I could concentrate on my beloved hockey players. 
We bought tickets in advance as I thought there will be a lot of people. I have been to one event in Demjata, where Slovak football stars like Hamsik, Skrtel, Sapara, Sestak and others came to play an exhibition match. Although I don't really like football I went there with my family and took a few photos with these stars. I might never see them again. (Note: I will put some photos below.) Back to the hockey players, they were also playing football but it was much more interesting as I knew more than a half of them - Trto, Jurco, Janus, Hudackovci, Hrivik, Viedensky, Skokan, Nagy, Panik, Lapsansky and a few I didn't know about like Janosik, Pavlikovsky and some guy whose name I don't remember. After the half-time everybody went crazy and I was one of the crowd. I ran right to Tomas Tatar as he was the one I wanted to see the most. We (I, my father as the photographer and my friend Natalia) came to the booth where they were sitting. Hrivik was out there taking photos with some fans so I took a photo with him and went to look for Trto. I found him a second later sitting on the bench with other guys. Nobody cared about him. So I came closer, smiled and asked him, if he would take a photo with me. He said that Marek is taking photos with fans but I shook my head that I already have a photo with him. He was kinda surprised that I knew who he was talking about as most of those girls knew only their surnames. Real fans, huh? I was like somebody would call for Harry just Styles without knowing his first name. Absurd. Finally, he agreed and stood up when this little bitch came to him and grabbed him by his shoulder that she wants to take a photo with him. Suddenly, he pulled his arm back to him and said that I am the first one as he promised that to me. I was in the seven heaven. Like, literally. We took a photo, he gave me his autograph on my hockey jersey and I could go to others. I almost got a photo with everyone and I had never been happier in my life. I also took a photo with Tomas Jurco, which I couldn't take my eyes off during the whole match as he was the cutest player there - I absolutely adore him. Then the second half of the match began and after everything we again run to the players for autographs. When I took a photo with Jaro Janus, I forgot to gave him my jersey so I went straight to him. He said that they are still playing. They were kicking penalties, but he still signed my jersey. I wished him luck and he smiled at me with thanks. After it was all over, there was a raffle (tombola - toto som ani ja nevedela ale Google pomohol :D) and the main three prizes were the hockey jersey with the signatures of all players, the hockey stick of Jan Laco and the hockey stick of Tomas Tatar. Everybody certainly wanted the third prize at most. As they were telling number and other prizes, suddenly they called a number 841 which was Natalia's number. I turned back to her but she wasn't paying attention. A screamed at her that she had won and she was like waking up asking what's going on. As I told her that she won a lawn-mower, she was shoked and refused to go and take a prize as it was humiliating. I was laughing so hard my stomach really hurt but I couldn't stop. Finally she went there and took a prize and I was still laughing my ass off. Unfortunately, any of us didn't won the stick of jersey. Later was 'autogramiada' but as I had already had my autographs, I  didn't need to go. My little sister was left there to take a few cards with their signatures and we left. Was any of you there? If yes, you will surely agree that it was ... AWESOME!
Now, back to England and London. On 5th July I was packed and ready to go to the airport. My parent prolonged their holidays in Bulgaria and decided to go from the airport straight there, two days earlier. As we were packing things to the car, my friend/boyfriend called me and said that he is in front of my block of flats, that he needed to see me for the last time, even if just for a second. How cute! :3 When we finally left Presov, I wasn't paying much attention and suddenly we were at the airport. When I gave them my luggage, I said my last goodbyes to my parent and my little sister and went through the control where I had to pick every electronics out (of course I had it at bottom) and I also had to take off my shoes as there are some metal pieces on them. I won't be describing the flights or anything. When I came out of the airport in Luton, there was a guy waiting for me to take me to London as Luton is an hour away from London (in good traffic). 
So now I am here and I started to look for a job. I have applied to several companies via internet including McDonald's and that is probably where I'm going to work. If you are going to London, by chance, I will be working right on the Oxford Street so let me know :D. I have also received a call from one agency offering me a job during Lovebox Festival in Victoria Park and, of course, I said yes. But the mail she was supposed to send me wasn't delivered so I called her again this morning but I haven't received anything yet. I am going to give it a try again tomorrow because I really want to work there. The tickets for this festival cost around 50 - 60 pound per day so it is going to be sth. Even though I don't know any singer or a band performing there. Nevermind. 
So that's all I guess. I certainly forgot something important I wanted to share with you but I cannot remember now so maybe I will make another post. And as to the next episode of my story, hopefully, I will post it here by the end of the week, so by Sunday night. Goodbye my beautiful friends. Have a nice day ;)

Martin Skrtel
Stanislav Sestak

Marek Hamsik (krasna momentka rovno do bulvaru :D)

Junior z dvojice Junior & Marcel
where I live now :)
view of London from Primrose Hill :3 lovely, right?

That's all information about First Week In LONDON

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